All Co-operatives in Australia are legally required to have a comprehensive set of governing rules to ensure that both members, and governance officials understand their rights and responsibilities . The full comprehensive rules for The Pack Music Co-operative can be found here, however an abridged version outlining member and board conduct is noted below for accessibility and simplicity. A link to the 7 Co-operative Principles, which we expect all members to uphold, can also be found below.
Co-op Members and Board Conduct
Member Types, Rights, and Expectations
Full Individual Memberships (Musician)
Eligibility: Natural persons at least 14 years old, acting independently as solo composers or performers.
Full voting rights in general meetings.
Access to all member benefits and resources.
Ability to nominate for the position of member director if vacant positions are available.
Actively participate in Co-op activities.
Pay entry fees and periodic subscriptions promptly (if applicable).
Maintain good standing and support the Co-op's objectives.
Full Joint Memberships (Ensemble / Band)
Eligibility: Up to four natural persons collaborating as a group, either in composing music or performing.
One collective vote shared among the joint members.
Joint members can collectively nominate one member to stand for office if vacant positions ae available.
Access to member benefits and resources as a group.
Joint members are jointly and severally liable for payments due to the Co-op.
Collaborate to maintain active participation and good standing.
Notify the Co-op of any changes in the representative member.
Full Corporate or Legal Guardian Memberships (Musician)
Eligibility: Entities representing individuals under 14 or individuals with legal impairments.
Can include parents, guardians, trustees, or attorneys.
Voting rights on behalf of the represented individual.
Ability to appoint a primary representative and deputies for participation in meetings.
Ensure that the interests of the represented individual are actively supported.
Pay fees and subscriptions on behalf of the represented individual.
Maintain good standing and comply with Co-op rules.
Associate Memberships (Business / Corporate / Government)
Eligibility: Businesses or government entities that have a supportive relationship with the Co-op.
Recognition of the supportive relationship with the Co-op.
Access to certain Co-op events and resources.
No voting rights.
Support the Co-op's objectives through collaboration and resource sharing.
Maintain a positive relationship with the Co-op and other members.
Pay any applicable fees or contributions as determined by the board.
Member Obligations
Active Membership
Definition: Active participation in the Co-op's primary activities, such as contributing music for streaming.
Identify with and support the Co-op's objectives.
Contribute artistic material for streaming.
Pay fees and subscriptions on time.
Conduct and Participation
Meeting Attendance: Members are expected to attend and vote in general meetings.
Dispute Resolution: Engage in mediation processes for resolving disputes, following Co-op rules.
Board Conduct and Responsibilities
Board Composition
Structure: Comprises a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 member directors.
Eligibility: Directors must be individuals, at least 18 years old, and of good standing.
Board Duties
Management: Oversee and manage the Co-op’s operations and business activities.
Compliance: Ensure the Co-op adheres to legal requirements and internal rules.
Decision Making: Make strategic decisions through majority votes; the chairperson has a casting vote in case of ties.
Meetings and Decision Making
Frequency: Board meetings held at least quarterly.
Quorum: Minimum number of directors required for a valid meeting.
Voting: Decisions made by majority vote, with the chairperson casting the deciding vote if needed.
Conflicts of Interest
Declaration: Directors must declare any personal interest in contracts with the Co-op.
Participation: Directors with declared interests cannot vote on related matters unless permitted by the board.
Authority: Board can delegate powers to directors, committees, or members.
Terms: Delegated powers must be exercised within specified terms.
Remuneration and Expenses
Compensation: At this time directors do not receive remuneration except for approved fees and expenses.
Reimbursement: Necessary business expenses incurred by directors are reimbursed.
Chairperson Role
Election: Chairperson elected by the board and can be replaced by ordinary resolution.
Responsibilities: Lead meetings, ensure orderly conduct, and represent the board in official capacities.
By understanding these key points, members can ensure they fulfill their roles and responsibilities within the Co-op while the board effectively supports and manages the Co-op’s governance.
The 7 Principles of Co-operatives
Co-operatives are jointly owned, autonomous businesses formed to benefit their members who are also their owners. In a co-op, ownership and control is shared equally amongst members who use the enterprise to meet a common purpose. The members of a co-op can be individuals, other businesses, employees or community stakeholders.
Co-operatives are the only business model with a set of internationally agreed values. The seven co-operative principles keep co-operatives true to their social purpose.